Good morning, friends! Today I have a special treat for you! We will be shopping second-hand in the mountains. This summer, like every summer Matt & I enjoyed taking a family vacation. As usual, we were joined by Matt’s Mom and we always save the shopping trips for when she arrives!

While there are thrift shops, antique shops, and a ReStore. The goods sold in these shops are very different from what you’d find in the shops back home. In these, there is a strong cabin/Aztec/native American/mountain theme in the art kitchen wares and clothing. Even though my style is very different it is fun to see the variety!

I’ve gathered the treasures I’ve found shopping second-hand over the last three years to share with you. The European lady portrait was found upstairs at the ReStore and miraculously she was not rained on even though the window was open… The English horse and rider print came from a thrift store and in a sad frame (which got swapped out).
This year I found two treasures. The plum transferware pitcher on the left was the most surprising find! I’ve since looked up similar plum, or mulberry transferware teapots on Etsy and they are running hundreds of dollars. I couldn’t believe this one was only $50! I think it is just lovely and I’ve found the perfect spot for it… Lastly, I found the antique English ironstone compote or footed bowl. Again, these run at least over a hundred on Etsy, but this one was just $15!

The Ironstone compote found its home holding fruit on the buffet. I can also see it full of pinecones for autumn, or vintage ornaments at Christmas. Such a classic, versatile piece!

The pretty plum teapot is living on top of the bookcase that we’ve recently moved into the guest bedroom. I’m loving the more squat shape and different color against the blue transferware pitchers.

The lovely European lady portrait has found a home in a new gallery wall arrangement on the same wall in the guest bedroom. The small bookcase and simpler gallery wall suit the scale of this small bedroom much better. Somehow the room seems even cozier.

I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer and are ready to jump into the cooler, crisper days of fall!
Until next time,
Take care,