It had always been a dream of my husband’s to travel around Australia in a caravan. And whilst I can’t profess to having the same longing, it was an opportunity I definitely...
I’m bringing this post up to the top of the blog because I can’t believe it has been nearly three years since we made this change to our house! Hi you guys!...
I feel a little bit sheepish sharing this remodel because I know lots of you will prefer the before. And, if I’m honest, there is plenty about its prior form I really...
Exactly how do you pin down my design style? What if my style is constantly changing? When do I make a purchase and when do I wait? Will I ever have the...
I’ve been chugging along on the Hood Canal Cottage design – I know I am SO overdue for an update for you, but when you’re in the throes of design deadlines it...
Have you ever felt that you keep working on a room that never seems to “gel?” Maybe you’ve repainted several times, rearranged the furniture, or rehung the art. But somehow, the room...
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Make your house smell amazing! Simmer pot or stovetop potpourri is a super...
How to make these easy and fun floating witch hats for your front porch or
I've wanted to make these cute DIY "floating" luminary witch hats for...
With this King of Christmas tree, I don’t have to do that as there are 8 lighting modes and a timer that you can change with the touch of a button on...
From its local roots, the nearly four-second clip of Gypsy Rose broadcast once a week has brought lowriders to prominence globally in myriad countries including Australia, Mexico, Belgium, and even...
It has been particularly busy behind the scenes over here as I’m in the thick of two big (and exceptionally beautiful, if I do say so myself) design projects. But I’ve missed...
Make basic (and cheap) flowers from the grocery store look like a million bucks. I use this flower hack all the time and it works like a charm!
Why I Built this Project
Several years ago, I built a toy storage center for my young kids. This was a very well made project that held up to lots of use (and...
One of my all-time favorite low-maintenance plants for beautiful outdoor planters is the “Purple Pixie” Weeping Loropetalum. If you’re on the hunt for yard planter ideas, this dwarf variety is perfect because...
There are few things I enjoy more then thoughtfully setting a beautiful table to enjoy a meal with my friends and family. I believe that a well dressed table sets the...