Have you ever been inspired by a children’s book? Often the message taught through the story is simple ~ yet profound. Well, there’s this children’s book with a great life principle that...
The cozy living room and open-plan kitchen are connected in this cozy Scandinavian apartment (via Stadshem). The living room is painted in a dark and moody deep blue wall color, separating the...
Are you stumped design-wise in your home? You visit lovely homes and are inspired to incorporate ideas you saw there, or you have seen lovely images online that resemble your true style…But...
If you know me at all, you know I LOVE setting a beautiful table, regardless of the season. I have to admit that this time of year is my absolute favorite,...
I get way too in my head about “revealing” spaces, ultimately contradicting how I believe our spaces are never truly finished or done- they should change and evolve as we and our...
Under-bed storage is a great way to create extra space in smaller bedrooms and studio-style apartments. From storing seasonal clothes and shoes, extra bedding, or any number of other items, under-bed storage...
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Need ideas for fall? Check out this super simple and quick hello fall decor idea!
Kitchens are often the most utilized space in any home. From food preparation and cooking to time spent around the dining table, this room sees a lot of action. It’s also typically...
This post and photos may contain Amazon or other affiliate links. If you purchase something through any link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Any supplies...
For the final room in Madison’s apartment makeover, we tackled the bedroom. If you aren’t familiar with the first few stages of the apartment makeover or why I chose Madison, click this...
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared any fashion, but I’ve compiled some fun fall fashion ideas for you today from Talbot’s, J. Crew Factory, and Chico’s. These are 3 of...
We’re finally starting to make some progress on our backyard updates so it’s about time I shared the plans! We had some renderings done by Yardzen to get a general idea...
You know how you can wait years for something, never see any progress towards it, and then when it finally happens, it feels like things are moving forward at lightning speed? Yeah,...
Can you believe it’s already time to start thinking about Christmas? It is early and coming too fast, but It’s still one of my favorite times of the year, and I couldn’t...