I feel a little bit sheepish sharing this remodel because I know lots of you will prefer the before. And, if I’m honest, there is plenty about its prior form I really...
Last summer I had such an incredible experience when a photo team from Meridith Publications came to our ranch to shoot for three different magazines. After years of developing our...
It’s that time of year where the temperature is dropping each day and all you want to do is cosy up in the warm. I had always dreamt about having a wood...
Welcome to autumn, friends! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnf8t9VI5YIThe leaves are starting to trickle down and cooler weather is becoming more consistent. Matt and I have been walking and jogging in the mornings before work. The...
As we get into the full swing of fall, I am looking for new ways to decorate our beach cottage in a way that celebrates the season while keeping the look relevant...
Have you ever been inspired by a children’s book? Often the message taught through the story is simple ~ yet profound. Well, there’s this children’s book with a great life principle that...
A week or so ago, my mom and I reupholstered my desk chair in a beautiful dark red velvet fabric. The chair started off looking like this after I bought it and...
Now that the leaves are changing and it’s getting slightly colder out are you ready to get a little crafty? These are some of my favorite Fall Decor Projects on the blog...
Super cute eco friendly products to replace single use plastics and more.
If you follow along on my Instagram stories, you may know that I’ve been making some changes...
We’ve had some interesting weather here in Los Angeles this summer (a hurricane AND an earthquake on the same day, then some drizzle and the pinkest sky I’ve ever seen, punctuated by...
Without a spare room or other unused square footage, it can seem impossible to have a designated home work space. However, with a bit of creativity, you can easily create a functional...
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Do you decorate your home for fall with faux fall leaf stems or branches that you bring out of your decor stash every year? Do you...
Ducati has launched a new all-black version of its popular Scrambler motorcycle, called the Scrambler Icon Dark. This model emphasizes a sleek, minimalist look while maintaining its powerful 803cc engine, which delivers...