How to build long wood DIY picture ledges in minutes.
These wood picture ledge shelves can be customized to the length and width you need and are a great way to display art...
When the first official day of fall rolls around but it’s still 92 degrees outside, these adorable marshmallow ghosts in a chilled spiced apple cider are the perfect solution to satisfy your...
What do you think of these interior trim ideas? Will you be painting the trim work in a room of your home anytime soon? If you have lots of light, beautiful and...
And you better believe I’m yelling! 😀 Y’all, how long have I been waiting for a driveway? Eleven years! We’ve been in this house eleven years without a driveway, and it’s finally...
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared any fashion, but I’ve compiled some fun fall fashion ideas for you today from Talbot’s, J. Crew Factory, and Chico’s. These are 3 of...
I can’t even begin to describe the magic that filled the air at The Found Cottage for our Christmas Open House! We just reopened after closing for a few days to transform...
How to make these easy and fun floating witch hats for your front porch or
I've wanted to make these cute DIY "floating" luminary witch hats for...
One of my all-time favorite low-maintenance plants for beautiful outdoor planters is the “Purple Pixie” Weeping Loropetalum. If you’re on the hunt for yard planter ideas, this dwarf variety is perfect because...