The very first time this event was organized, there was no social media. Well, there was, but it was much different. And so were car shows. But the 2024 M Fall Cruise has proved the event’s staying power.
Where it goes from here is the question.
It’s a busy time of year

I’ve been to both Invasion and a Bimmer’s United show, and it just so happened that everyone picked Sunday, October 13 as the day to host their event. With one in south Jersey and the latter in Pennsylvania, both events were far from the Manhattan skyline.
The result was an event with about 50 cars, instead of the 200 we had a few years ago. I prefer it that way. It’s too big, and too hard to keep it all organized on the highway. Plus the misbehaved never showed.
We’ll call it a happy accident.
The 2024 M Fall Cruise – nice and early
6:30 AM. I know. But if I make it later, traffic descends upon the Palisades Parkway. In fact as you can see in the rollers, plenty of traffic on the highway even at that 7:30 hour.
Police escort next year?
It takes about forty minutes to get to Haverstraw Bay Park, and it’s a much better destination than Bear Mountain. Impossible to get a permit, or simply bring a group of cars to the top of the road, instead the park we end up in has a nice river view.
I know you
Well I do – I’ve shot with so many of you that attend. So thank you for your continued support.
The Fall Cruise has been, and always will be, a free event to attend. It’s a safe space, a way I can say thank you to a community that’s always been supportive. It’s not about being THE BIGGEST BEST EVENT EVER in the history of cars, simply a way for you to enjoy yours just a bit more.
The automotive world is full of fakers and people that yell at you through YouTube. I try to rise above that with my reviews. No agenda, aside from getting a click on the site itself. The content is real.
So thank you for coming. Next year, we celebrate ten years of driving. But it’ll probably be the same – a morning drive through my favorite roads with my car friends.

Big thank you to good friend Kyle Walsh, whom lets me wake him up at 5:30 AM each year, then drives me around so I can take nice pictures.
If you’d like an image of your car in high-res, please look in here.
2024 M Fall Cruise Gallery

Want MWS to review your car?
If you live in the tri-state area and would like to be featured, contact me!
Each review comes with a free professional photo shoot.
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Nikon camera bodies and lenses, a Westcott Ice Light 2, Manfrotto tripod, B + W filters and an iMac Pro are used to make the art on Machines With Souls.