Last year, Nell wrote about the “color-drenching” trend, in which entire rooms—from the ceiling down to the baseboards are swathed in the same color. Bathing a space in one hue is not for the faint of heart. Nor is the newest iteration of the trend: the double drench.
Double drenching, according to British paint company Little Greene, is similarly bold but involves the application of two or more paint hues that are often entirely different colors (e.g., a green with a yellow) and not just tonally different (e.g., a green with a darker green).
There are no rules to double drenching, except for one, says Ruth Mottershead, creative director at Little Greene: no white (though cream is fine). Every surface should feel rich with color.
Below, some of Ruth’s double-drenched designs.
Photography courtesy of Little Greene.